Bikram Chabhal (Kanwar)
MBA (Marketing and International Business)
Adhering to our motto - "EDUCATION INNOVATION KNOWLEDGE" From the KBC INTERNATIONAL Director's chair, I believe that a great responsibility is vested on me. I have been striving hard to comprehend the significance of education since the inception of this institute with prime focus on the mode of instruction. With bounty of experience in IMMIGRATION, the KBC TEAM pilot success for those who are pre-eminent and who feel inadequate to accomplish their goal as well. Exceptionally good services are provided to students who aspire for global education while enhancing their scores in exams like IELTS/PTE. It is evident from the results secured by those who gave a retake from KBC INTERNATIONAL that anything is feasible with excellent services. It is with immense pleasure that I Welcome you to the portal of this academic milieu for a unique remedial experience.